Life As I See It
Weekly Recap: Pats, Repairs and Sweating It Out
Whew! What a week. Last week seemed tame compared to other weeks I’ve had but for some reason it…
January 15, 2017Whew! What a week. Last week seemed tame compared to other weeks I’ve had but for some reason it…
January 15, 2017With a job that requires high energy levels, long days and a packed lunch every day grilled chicken is my…
January 10, 2017Something I want to do this year is set a goal for every week. I have lost some of…
January 8, 2017As a teacher, it’s always a good week when its a short week. Hooray for New Years Day being…
January 7, 2017Typically, with such a sensitive stomach I don’t do well with box mixes and my family usually comments on…
January 3, 2017As a kid the only sport I knew and understood was softball. I played it for six years and…
January 1, 2017Made with in Seattle