Life As I See It

Thanksgiving Thanks: Four Days Later

November 30, 2015

Every year at our table for Thanksgiving we go around the table and talk about what we are thankful for. I know that going into the meal and usually I can come up with an answer. This year there were so many things running through my head nothing seemed like a good answer. While it doesn’t excuse the mood I was in (think crabby 16 year old), I have finally come up with a few things I am grateful for this past year that feel genuine. It only took me four days to think of them.

  • How much I learned about teaching so far this year: the good and bad. I have seen things and I love and things I would do differently next year.
  • The reality check I got when I entered the real world. Real life is hard and balancing everything is nearly impossible.
  • The support from my family. Usually every conversation about work results in me venting about something. They have heard each story at least five times and I am beyond grateful for them and their constant patience. They have also been amazing support blocks as I navigate a full time job and graduate school (not to mention as a doggy daycare)!
  • Learning how to take care of another life. My dog has been a godsend in the form of a six month old, 10 pound, black fluffy Havanese-Poodle mix puppy. I have learned so much about caring for another life and what it means to sacrifice your time for the wellness of another. Needless to say I will be an expert when I have a kid.
  • The new friends in my life. My co-workers have been great and getting to know them has been a great experience. It is everything I could have asked for in co-workers and more!

Now that I actually have time to think and be eloquent in my thoughts I am really looking forward to seeing what this year has to bring.

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