Life As I See It

Another Year, Another Birthday

February 18, 2016

It’s been a long hiatus. Since I am turning 23 tomorrow, I felt it was appropriate to create another post reflecting on the year. Thanks to school vacation week I have the time and energy to write this. A lot has changed and stayed the same between last year and this year. I have yet to find a significant other but I am okay with that. I am still a terrible flyer and my anxieties can get the best of me. That is forever a work in progress.

My mindset and how I think about the world around me grew.  Life doesn’t ever stop moving. There will always be a puppy there to take care of or a child asking me a question if I am at work. The news never stops. There is always another thing in my way that I need to learn from (and I eventually do). I try to push myself to do things outside of my comfort zone. Even if I don’t succeed I know I tried. I am looking forward to this next year. I want to see how I can continue to grow, what my future holds as a teacher and see what else is out there for me to experience.

As I turn 23 I want to push myself to go beyond my comfortable limits and try new things. I want to keep developing the relationships I created and catch up with some forgotten ones. I want to successfully go on a trip without my parents. I want to grow as a teacher and learn more. I want to (hopefully) pass the last MTEL I have to take in one shot.

Some of these goals are totally attainable. Most of them actually. I know they are going to take effort and time and that is something I am willing to do. Thanks 22, you were great. 23, let’s make it a great one.


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